Munich Winter School Methods in Digital Heritage

Grading and Credits MDH Summer School

The Academic Board of the LMU Munich defines the requirements and contact hours for successful completion of the courses as follows:

  • Attendance of, preparation for, and active participation in the course.
  • Unsupervised study and homework or computer lab assignments.
  • In-class presentations.

Contact Hours: 60-70 Contact hours and assignments worth up to 6 ECTS credits


Every student will receive an official transcript upon successfully completing all program requirements. The transcript will display the course name, contact hours, acquired credits, and grades achieved.

Credit Transfer

Most international colleges and universities accept credits from the MISU LMU. However, each institution has its policy regarding credit acceptance from other institutions. We strongly recommend that students consult their academic adviser and professor to receive credit transfer approval before applying to the MDH Winter School. Students who want to transfer credits to their home universities should print out all documents, contact the professor or study abroad adviser, and ask for credit and grade approval.

Grading Scale

The Academic Board determines grades based on LMU's standard grading system. Please be aware that no extra credit is offered for this course.

Passing grades are from 1,00 (highest) to 4,00 (lowest)

  • 1,00 – 1,50 = very good (sehr gut)
  • 1,51 – 2,50 = good (gut)
  • 2,51 – 3,50 = satisfactory (befriedigend)
  • 3,51 – 4,00 = sufficient (ausreichend)
  • 4,00 deficient (mangelhaft)

Grading Procedure

There are three grading sections in this course:

  • 60% = Computer Lab Assignments
  • 30% = Oral presentation
  • 10% = Active participation in class